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Setting sustainable new year resolutions

With the new year comes new year resolutions - and with those, the avalanche of guides, challenges, workout programs, detox and diets from the health & wellness industry. 

After weeks of sharing moments and meals with friends and family, partying and holidaying, the urge of wanting to get “back on track” can be strong. Whilst there are great benefits to starting the year by setting healthier habits, the wellness industry has done at great job in convincing us we should be overhauling our life with resolutions - resolutions which tend to not last too long, and can result in yoyo dieting, poorer body image and

low self worth. 


A group of women holding sparklers

So, how do we set sustainable resolutions that stick? Here are 5 tips from our dietitian, Ana. 


  1. Figure out what you actually want. You can vow every 1st of January to give up chocolate, but if chocolate is your one most loved food… do you deep down want to give it up? Or are you setting yourself for failure? If your goal is actually to “be healthier”, how can you do that by targeting other aspects of your life and diet?  

  2. Set SMART goals, rather than vague resolutions. This could look like “I will eat two serve of fruit a day, at least 5 days a week, by having one with breakfast and another for afternoon tea. I will buy fruit on Sundays for the week.” Rather than “ I will eat more fruit”.  

  3. Setting realistic goals. If you don’t really know how to cook and have always relied on takeaway, setting the resolution of cooking every single meal from scratch is setting yourself up for failure. So make it sustainable by slowly building up your skills. For example, start by cooking from scratch 2-3 days a week, or swap from take away to meal kits (eg. Marley Spoons, hello fresh). Choosing realistic goals rather than embarking on a crazy 8 week challenge or marathon training might not sound very sexy, but small steps can overtime lead to bigger changes. 

  4. Modify your environment, rather than trying to rely on motivation alone. For example, if your goal is to quit drinking during the week, make sure bottles of wine / beer are out of view, and that you have non-alcoholic options readily available (such as kombucha, sparkling water or 0% beers). 

  5. Finally, choose a fun resolution ! It could be trying a different cuisine each month, learning a new skill, or incorporating more movement in your daily life by playing tennis with friends, joining a run club, or setting 20min to play with your dog. 

A to do list

If you choose to have new year resolutions, and they revolve around creating new habits, pairing them with existing habits might help them stick - for example, if your goal was to eat more veg, get into the habit of pairing heavier meals with a side salad. 


Importantly, remember that it is consistent, small changes over time which will make the biggest difference. Checking in with yourself once a week to track your progress is therefore key. Use this time to reflect - are there barriers to achieving your goals? Are you enjoying your routine? And don’t forget to celebrate your wins ! 


If you want more assistance with setting goals and developing new habits, use the link below to book in your initial consult with our dietitian today, and let’s get started together!

We would love to meet you - call us on 02 8969 6300 or email!


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